Range Book Project
Share Your Stories
Step 2 - Share your stories
This can be very simple, much like sharing stories at reunions. Please submit one story at a time, as soon as you complete it. It's important for all of us to get this mission underway ASAP. You may share either verbally with me (Jim Garvin) or in written format.
Verbal Sharing: Let's Talk!
Using FreeConferenceCall.com (similar to Zoom or FaceTime) for our casual conversation, we can talk at your convenience, as often as you wish. Afterwards, we can download audio & video files separately, create keywords for indexing, create written transcripts, etc. All will be very helpful for creating and organizing the archive for various purposes. Most importantly, you will receive a copy of all files for your personal use, including sharing with your family.
Note: If you don't want to use FreeConferenceCall.com, you can call me and I will take notes and transcribe our conversation, but we will not have an audio and video recording of you telling your story and we will likely also lose some of the details of your story because I can't write fast enough. Also, once I get involved in your story, I may forget to take notes and Lord knows, my memory is fading fast into the sunset. :-)
Written Sharing: You Write!
If you prefer to write your stories, please email to me using the Email Me link above. Please go ahead and submit your first story as soon as you finish it, then continue to work on additional stories.
Note: Once your written story is received, I would like to record a conversation with you about that story so that we can retain audio/video files of you telling your story. It may be a simple reading of your written story on video or an expanded conversation about your written story.
We were all brothers in Vietnam. And once again, we're all in this together.
The story of Range is not complete until your part of the story is told.